7 Ways to Beat the Holiday/Covid Blues!
The holidays are here and no matter what your beliefs, this time of year can inspire joy, warmth and belonging.
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However, for many, the stress of the holidays triggers loneliness, sadness, anxiety and depression. There is this expectation of feeling merry and generous and people compare their emotions to what they assume others are experiencing or what they’re supposed to feel.
This year may be even harder as we deal with the uptick in Covid cases and many people will not be able to be with family. (Strangely enough so much of our stress comes from family gatherings but we still seem to count on it at holiday times.)
So how do we beat the Holiday/Covid blues? I’ve created a list of seven things for you to consider!
You won’t be surprised that the first thing on my list is to
Exercise. Not only your body but your mind!– get outside and be active yes but when you can’t, why not start to study something new. Learn a new language, or the guitar.
Step out of your comfort zone! Decide to do something that makes you feel a little uncomfortable each day. Just try to get out of your routine and challenge yourself. It doesn’t have to be a big challenge, it could be just making a phone call instead of a text.
Do something nice for someone else! Again, it doesn’t have to be big. Bring in your neighbors trash can on trash day, buy the person in line behind you at Starbucks a drink.
Laugh! Watch a funny movie or some crazy videos on you tube or pick up Jerry Seinfelds new book or take an online improv class. ( if you take the improv class that may cover 1,2 and 4!)
Set some goals for next year! (I am a goal nerd but at the end of the year, I love making goals for the next year and I get a rush out of checking them off my list.) It’s actually fun and try to think out of the box when making them.
Count your blessings. Try to spend sometime writing down three things you are grateful for everyday. And each day try to come up with three different things. There are numerous studies about the benefits of being grateful.
Put your stressors in a box! You’ve heard it a million times. Just Let it go. But that is not so easy. I often invite my clients to create a Box. You can call it a God box, a Universe box, what ever works for you. Keep the box in your closet or wherever and when you can’t stop stressing, write your stressor down and give it to the box. Just the actual action of giving it away is super helpful. Try it. And at the end of the year or month or what ever you can through all those stressors away.
I think that these things are great to do anytime but we just might need it a little more now. Stay safe.