Stress during the Coronavirus!

Posted by on May 18, 2020 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Stress during the Coronavirus!

Hello Friends,

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About now, whatever your situation dealing with this Coronavirus and the new state of things, your stress levels are most likely hitting an all time high. This Pandemic has affected us all in some way or another. ?
There are so many articles and posts out there to help us deal with stress and they are all pretty good.
We’ve heard that we should meditate, take deep breaths, go for a walk, dance around the house, call someone on the phone, eat healthier. All great suggestions and I firmly agree that all can help you deal with your stress. ?
However, I’m going to add one more thing to this list. Give yourself and others a break. Allow yourself to feel what you feel and don’t judge it. Allow other people to feel what they feel and don’t judge it. We are all different and that is what makes this world beautiful. ?
Working with people every day through movement, I know that what give’s some people severe pain, may be minor to someone else. Just because one person doesn’t feel the same pain as someone else does not invalidate the other persons pain. Every one’s tolerance is different. ?
We don’t have to agree with each other and we most likely never will. Studies show that social media, isolation, worry, loss of job, money difficulties, taking care of someone sick and traumatic events all bring on stress. All of which we are going through with Covid-19. But remember that conflict, faultfinding, being hypercritical, being unforgiving and harsh also cause stress. So does being on the receiving end of any of these. ?
So take that deep breath, go for a walk, put on your mask and smile as you pass someone. Smile so big that it reaches your eyes so they can see it. Your Wellness Matters so, give yourself a break, give others a break and let your stress go. ?