Show yourself some ❤ Day 16

Posted by on February 16, 2021 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Show yourself some ❤ Day 16

Today you can show yourself some love with a yoga squat “Malasana”

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So many reasons to practice this pose. Malasana is a grounding pose and as such will bring you a sense of calm. It opens the hips and the groin, stretches your hamstrings, ankles and lower back. It strengthens your metabolism and aids in elimination. It tones the abdominals and strengthens your glutes, hamstrings and calves. Increases blood flow in the pelvis and improves, balance, focus and concentration! Wow! All this with only one pose. It may look difficult for some but you can begin to do this while holding onto a bar (something that will not move) or sitting on a block. ?
Note: Though some people claim it helps their knees, I must add that it does put a lot of pressure on the knees so if you do choose to do this and have some knee pain I would highly recommend using the modifications above and/or placing a rolled up towel behind the knees. (Between the calve and hamstring).
With all the benefits above it sounds like a perfect way to show yourself some ❤️ today and everyday!!