A different kind of post:
I had a very nice weekend. The people in Ukraine did not. 

On Friday afternoon I decided to sit down with a cup of tea and work on a script, I had the freedom to do that. It was not lost on me that had I been in Ukraine, the last thing I would be able to do would be to sit down with a cup of tea.
Saturday I had the honor of watching my future daughter-in-law try on Wedding Dresses. It was a lovely afternoon. It was not lost on me that future mother-in-laws in Ukraine could not do this as they were in fear for their life. Not even knowing if a wedding would be able to happen.
Sunday, I got to go to church and clean my house and work on my homework and then spend the afternoon trying on dresses for the wedding. It was not lost on me that not only the people in Ukraine but many people in the world could not spend their Sunday this way.
It is humbling to realize that everyday freedoms that we take for granted as part of our life could so easily be taken away.
I pray that I will never take these blessings for granted, never take my freedom for granted and I especially pray for those families in Ukraine who would like nothing more than to just enjoy the simple pleasures of a weekend.
My wish for all of us is that we will find the beauty and freedom in being able to have a day that’s maybe predictable or maybe even monotonous but is truly ours. That we never take for granted the blessings of just enjoying our family, our friends and even cleaning the house.
But most of all, I pray for peace. 
