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Too Much Salt In Your Diet?

Posted by on February 3, 2020 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Too Much Salt In Your Diet?

We have long know that too much salt in your diet can increase your blood pressure which, can lead to life-threatening consequences like stroke, heart attack, kidney disease and other health problems. ?

Ignoring these messages of “discomfort” both from our external and internal environment chronically will lead to gastrointestinal issues and mental/emotional issues leading finally to physical ailments and disease. cialis generic overnight As this capsule boosts generic cialis 40mg strength, vitality and vigor, it also delays ejaculation. This certifies that the drug is safe and you can have pain that originates in the tooth or surrounding tissues, or you might feel the pain in the tooth, but the actual cause is something else. cheapest cialis These physical changes are the diseases that look here online cialis reduce quality of life.

But did you know that American adults who tested highest salt intakes were 24% more likely to be overweight or obese? It’s understandable as most diets high in salt are also high in calories. However studies have shown that those people who have more salt in their diet become hungrier and actually drink less water.
In 2015, British and Chinese researchers reported that body fat increased for children and adults on high-salt diets. Eating an extra gram of salt each day increased the risk of obesity in children by 28% and in adults by 26%. They don’t really know why but other studies suggest that it may change the way our bodies burn fat.
So what can you do to cut your salt intake?
  • Prepare foods at home so you can control the added salt.
  • Cut processed foods out of your diet.
  • Go easy on condiments which are loaded with sodium.
  • Taste your food before you salt it and only use a minimal amount if at all.
  • Season your food with fresh or dry herbs. Add flavor not salt.
Why not give it a try?

Happy New Year!

Posted by on January 16, 2020 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! My holidays lasted a little longer than usual so I am a little late in saying it!

For the maintenance of a buying cialis in canada pharmacy store here coupling relationship of a man and a woman depends on how successful their relations in the satisfactory love making. He collapsed and was rushed to the hospital a few hours after taking ordine cialis on line the Penegra. On the non physical side, psychological conditions are also a very important factor that acts as the best stress reliever by helping the couple to flush away the stress and worries of the day and get engrossed in cheapest cialis in australia each other.Over a period of time, men generally suffer when they are at the peak of sexual stimulation. The surgery can be viagra canada deliver conducted for replacing joint of finger, knuckle, wrist hip and knee.

I just wanted to share a little motivation for increasing your activity in 2020!
Studies show that people who are inactive have double the risk of future mobility limitations compared with those who meet the U.S. Surgeon General’s recommendation for physical activity.
That is: “Get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity, or a combination of both, preferably spread throughout the week.”
That is just a little over 20 minutes a day! But remember it says “at least” so more would be better but if all you can manage is 20 minutes, your good!?
So that said, I thought it would be a good idea to kick off this year by stating what our health goals are going to be for 2020. Once we put it in writing it is a little easier to actually follow through.
On top of my usual 5 days of exercise, I am going to try and add a Gyrokinesis or Gyrotonic work out at least twice a month.
Your turn. What are your health goals!
Here’s to a healthy 2020!!?

Focus On The Thanks in Thanksgiving

Posted by on November 27, 2019 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Focus On The Thanks in Thanksgiving

It’s Thanksgiving, a time for family, football and food. ? Generally we have high expectations for the Holidays and often they are just as awesome as we hoped. But for many this time of year is filled with anxiety, sadness, depression and lots of stress. If only we could just look past all the expectations of the day itself and focus on the aspect of the holiday that can actually lift our spirits: expressing gratitude.

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With gratitude, we acknowledge the goodness in our lives.
A way to appreciate what we have instead of always reaching for something new. Focusing on what we have instead of what we lack.
Studies show that gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude can help us feel more positive emotions, delight in good experiences, improve our health, deal with adversity and build strong relationships. Some studies show that gratitude can help us to sleep better, control our weight, ease depression and be more patient.
So when you wake up on Thanksgiving and everyday after, why not pull out your Gratitude Journal and write down three things you are grateful for better yet, share your gratitude with those around you. Try it and start enjoying the benefits of a grateful heart. ❤️
Have a Happy Thanksgiving. I am so grateful for all of you who are part of Total Body Wellness  and are pursuing wellness on a daily basis. ?

How many of you out there do some resistance training???

Posted by on September 23, 2019 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on How many of you out there do some resistance training???

So what is resistance training? ?‍♀️

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Exercising with resistance can mean free weights, weight machines, resistant bands, your own body weight, Pilates Machines, GYROTONIC(R) machines, TRX. The Matwork in Pilates, GYROKINESIS (R) and Some Yoga are all also forms of using your own body for resistance training exercise.
If you are not doing it, I would highly recommend adding this form of exercise to your training. The benefits are incredible:
  • Greater strength, power and functional independence and increased stamina.
  • Weight Management
  • Reduced risk of Cardiovascular Disease and type 2 Diabetes
  • Prevention or control of chronic conditions such as Arthritis, Back Pain, Depression, Osteoporosis (increased bone density) and Obesity
  • Improved Posture, Mobility and Balance.
  • Lower likelihood of needing to use the Healthcare System.
  • Improved Sleep, performance of everyday tasks
  • Increased Self-esteem,
  • Improved well-being without the use of prescription drugs.
So pick something that appeals to you and get going. You don’t have to join a gym or take a class. Just do some squats, push-ups, pull-up, lunges or just sit down and stand up 10 times a day. (Try to do it without using your hands). You will be surprised how quickly your strength will improve and how much better you will feel!❤️

Do you ever sneeze or laugh or cough and pee a little? 😫

Posted by on July 22, 2019 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Do you ever sneeze or laugh or cough and pee a little? 😫

This drug is known to generate and therefore men don’t feel tiredness when the sexual session is ongoing. ordering viagra without prescription For over 5 decades, chelation medical procedure has given an intense and danger free IV or oral treatment for the elimination of toxic heavy metals alongside other artery damaging synthetic/chemical compounds through the veins. achat viagra pfizer In order to help you with a few guides about controlling blepharitis, some of important instructions are given below: Migraine Abdominal painLooseness of the bowels.Vomiting and NauseaUnreadable Vision.Color Blindness PRECAUTIONS : Consuming Sildenafil citrate ( levitra from canada Professional) following a high-fat dish may make the medication longer to begin its working. His partner, in turn, feels rejected ordering cialis without prescription and isolated, hampering the relationship.

Both men and women of all ages can experience pelvic floor weakness. After having children, after prostate surgery, with age or lack of movement and exercise. ?
The best way to improve a weak pelvic floor is to exercise it. First and foremost get moving. Our muscles get weak all over our body and incontinence is a steep price to pay for being sedentary. ?‍♂️
There is one specific exercise that will target the Pelvic Floor and you can and should combine this exercise with every other exercise you do.
  1. Kegel Up. You may have heard Kegels explained as squeezing below as though you are stopping the flow of urine. Unfortunately, studies have shown that sometimes this can have the opposite effect. So when I explain “Kegeling Up” I like you to imagine that you are drawing the muscles together and up. Think of a Jelly fish or champagne bubbles. This will also help you to engage your abdominals more. You can never do to many.
Again, try to do this exercise while walking, running, weight lifting, reading, driving. Amazingly enough it will also help you to have better posture and less low back pain.
So get moving and Kegel Up! ☀️

How is your balance? 🤷‍♂️

Posted by on July 8, 2019 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on How is your balance? 🤷‍♂️

The band has to be removed after around 30 minutes. *Surgery-Surgery comes as the last option for men with normal health or men who have ED due to ordinary causes like lifestyle change, nicotine intake, sleeping problems etc. can also be the foe for males’ sexual tadalafil free shipping health. One is guided to make note cheapest viagra of the medicinal drugs for solving such disorders. discount tadalafil It increases the risk of male impotence. For most find now now generic cialis without prescription customers though, Kamagra still remains unknown.

Balance issues can come upon us at any age but whether we like it or not as we move forward in life, being able to maintain our balance can get harder. ?
Although loss of balance can stem from many things such as medications, blood pressure problems, inner ear problems, vision problems, joint or muscle problems, cardiovascular issues, migraines, head injury, foot problems and vertigo to name a few, it can also come from bad posture and a loss of overall strength. ?
Because falling can often have dire consequences, it is imperative that all of us incorporate some sort of balance training into our lives. Abdominals, pelvic floor, glutes, legs, ?feet and ankles ?all need to be strengthened.
Sounds like a lot I know however, by just incorporating a couple of exercises into your day, you can be on your way to achieving good balance. ⚖️
The first and most important thing is to work on your posture. A good rule of thumb is that when you are standing, your ears should be in line with your shoulders, your hips and your ankles. Work on drawing together and up with your pelvic floor and drawing your belly and back together.
Once you are in a good posture, making sure you have something close by to hang on to if needed. Try standing on one leg being very careful to stay in your good posture and not leaning into one hip. By standing on one leg and balancing in good posture, you are not only working on balance but you are strengthening your ankles, your legs, your butt, your pelvic floor and your abdominals. Practice standing on each leg with something to hold on to and progress to not holding on, turning your head while balancing, playing catch while balancing and closing your eyes. ?‍♂️
The last exercise I am including in this little blog (though there are so many more) is to sit and stand. Try sitting without using your hands and standing without using your hands. Try not to roll forward onto your toes but put your feet out a bit and press into the heels to stand. Try to keep your chest up while sitting but make sure your bottom is reaching back. Please don’t try this without hands until you can do at least 15 sit to stands with your hands. This exercise works all the muscles we have been talking about. You will have to check in with your abdominals and your pelvic floor from time to time because those little guys tend to get lazy and let the other muscles work.
Start today. It is never to early or too late to begin working on your balance. ❤️

What is that crackling in my joints?? 🤔

Posted by on July 1, 2019 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on What is that crackling in my joints?? 🤔

If you are hearing grinding, creaking, cracking, crunching or popping in your joints you are most likely experiencing Crepitus. The sound may be muffled or it may be loud enough for other people to hear.

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Crepitus alone is not a cause for concern and people can experience it at any age. Most people’s joints crack or pop occasionally and that is actually considered to be normal.
However, if it is regular and is accompanied by pain, swelling or other concerning symptoms it may be an indication of Arthritis or Cartilage breakdown and should be checked out by a doctor. ?
Have you experienced Crepitus? Tell us about your experience.

6 Natural Remedies to Help with Constipation.

Posted by on June 24, 2019 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on 6 Natural Remedies to Help with Constipation.

Today we are talking about Constipation. ? Yuk not a very sexy topic but many people suffer from it and it’s not fun.

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There is no “right” number of daily or weekly bowel movements. Everyone is different. You may be constipated if you have fewer bowel movements than usual or if it takes a long time to poop or your poop is hard. ?
When people are constipated they sometimes get desperate and will take anything to help them poop but there are a lot of natural things that you can try before running off to buy a laxative. Below are my:
6 Natural Remedies to Help with Constipation.
The first thing I would recommend is Drinking More Water.I am a firm believer in a hot cup of water with lemon in the morning to get things moving but it really is a great habit to get into whether you are constipated or not.
Number 2 would be Probiotics. ? I wrote an entire post on Probiotics that you can pull up in the search bar but suffice it to say that Probiotics improve gut bacteria and those Probiotics that contain Prebiotics are the best as the Prebiotics help to stimulate the growth of good bacteria. I have some great recommendations if you message me.
Number 3 is to Eat More Fiber ? But don’t go crazy with it. Fiber helps increase the consistency and bulk of your poop, allowing it to pass easier but if you take in too much, it can have the opposite effect. From my research, it seems the best choice is a non-fermentable soluble fiber supplement such as psyllium.
Number 4 is Exercise. ?‍♂️ There are mixed results in studies on this but it certainly is a healthy way to get things moving. A 10 minute walk can do wonders.
Number 5 is Coffee.☕️ A cup of hot coffee in the morning has been shown to stimulate the muscles in the digestive tract.
Number 6 is Prunes. ? Ok, yes prunes could be listed under “Eating More Fiber” however, prunes also contain a natural laxative known as Sorbitol and many studies have shown that prunes can be even more effective than fiber.
So there you have it. Because we are talking about natural remedies and everything above can actually be worked into your daily diet, why not practice all these recommendations every day to prevent constipation and maintain healthy digestion. ?

What Exactly Is Inflammation? And what can we do about it?

Posted by on June 17, 2019 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on What Exactly Is Inflammation? And what can we do about it?

Inflammation is actually a defense mechanism in the body. The immune system recognizes something harmful in the body: damaged cells or irritants and there is a biological response to remove it. Inflammation is literally your body’s way of trying to heal itself. In fact, infections, wounds and any damage to tissue would not be able to heal without this inflammatory response .

Geriatric therapy targets issues which includes the weakening of bones, malignant tumors, Alzheimer’s disease, balance disorders, incontinence, and joint and hip bone defects. levitra on line sale These medicines enable them temporary solution of their existing problem of erectile generic cialis levitra dysfunction. So any person suffering from premature ejaculation can use Super Kamagra tablets to safely browse address india tadalafil and effectively get over the sexual problem. For enhanced desire for viagra india pharmacy buying this lovemaking with your beautiful woman.

However, there are generally two types of inflammation: acute and chronic.
Acute Inflammation is tissue damage that starts rapidly and becomes severe in a short time, symptoms may last for a few days to a couple of weeks.
Chronic Inflammation is slow to come on and can last for months to years often causing oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction. Chronic inflammatory diseases are the most significant cause of death in the world. The Would Health Organization ranks chronic diseases as the greatest threat to human health. Worldwide, 3 of 5 people die due to chronic inflammatory diseases like stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, heart disorders, cancer, obesity and diabetes.
So what do we do? ? there are many dietary and lifestyle changes that may be helpful in removing inflammation triggers and reducing chronic inflammation. Though the most effective is weight loss, here are some other things you can do to help yourself out:
  • Exercise
  • Low-glycemic diet
  • Reduce intake of total saturated fat and trans fats
  • Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables
  • Eat a High Fiber diet.
  • Eat some Nuts. (Limit this as they are high in calories)
  • Green and black tea polyphenols
  • Curcumin
  • Fish Oil
  • Micro-nutrients such as magnesium,Vitamins D and E, Zinc, Selenium
  • Take a Redox Molecule Supplement. ( PM me to find out where to get this)
Obviously there are drugs you can take as treatment to combat Chronic Inflammation but remember the best medicine… is prevention. ♥️

Are You a Mouth Breather or a Nose Breather? 👃

Posted by on May 7, 2019 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Are You a Mouth Breather or a Nose Breather? 👃

Amazingly enough, there are few things you can do to improve your health as much as simply switching to nasal breathing. ?
Habitual mouth breathing can be linked to a host of medical issues: sleep problems, learning disorders, tooth decay, bad breath. Their was even a Japanese study on rats where their nostrils were obstructed and after only two weeks the rodents needed twice as long to navigate a maze and had developed fewer brain cells than the mice who did not have their noses obstructed.

Not only do you get more air into your lungs and blood but nose breathing also helps to fight infections, maintain body temperature, helps with brain function, keeps deadly bacteria from a free entry.? The nose is the only organ which is enabled to “properly prepare” the air you breath. When you breathe in through your nose, the air is warmed, moistened, conditioned and mixed with nitric oxide which kills deadly bacteria and expands the airways, arteries and capillaries.♥️

On the other hand, mouth breathing makes you more susceptible to the common cold and infections,? weakens your lungs, heart, brain and all other organs by denying them optimal oxygenation, predisposes you to loud snoring and irregular breathing, constricts blood vessels. And if I haven’t convinced you yet of the importance of nose breathing, I will appeal to your vanity. Mouth breathing can produce an anterior open bite, a longer face and bags under your eyes from lack of sleep and dehydration. ?

So how do you get better at nose breathing? Practice. I like to say take a deep breath through your nose but don’t make it a noisy breath. Just breath in slowly allowing your nostrils to open gradually. You will get better at it and soon it will be a habit. So close your mouth and breathe!!?

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