Hip Mobility!
It’s Wellness Wednesday on Friday! Got a little behind and did not want to skip. I made my posts on Instagram and Tik Tok but did not get to this post and I’m trying to stay consistent so here I am on Friday!
Today’s Wellness Tip is Mobilize your hips! Even before the pandemic many of us spend a lot of time sitting at a desk or binging our favorite program or driving around in our cars or standing on hard services. All of these things make for very tight, immobile hips.
Hip mobility is critical for healthy movement and injury prevention. How we stand and how we walk can cause problems with our lower back, knees and hips and if our hips our tight it usually throws us into a pattern that it less than healthy for our body.
The hip flexors actually originate in the lower back so tight hips can put a lot of stress on your lumbar spine.
Last week we talked about stretching and stretching everyday. I can’t emphasize enough how important this is when thinking about our hips that we stretch them and release them.
Again, you can find some great hip stretches on my YouTube Channel Total Body Wellness Pilates and More. Look up 30 days of stretches and you will find some there.
So get up and move around, go for a walk, do some Pilates, yoga, or Gyrotonic and stretch out those hips.
