How to Get Through the Holidays without Going Crazy and Gaining a Ton of Weight!

Posted by on November 18, 2018 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on How to Get Through the Holidays without Going Crazy and Gaining a Ton of Weight!

The holidays are upon us and as we all know, the holidays can be stressful and it’s hard to do the things we know we need to do to stay healthy. So how do we get through the holidays without going crazy and gaining a ton of weight? There are things you can do but as with everything that is worth having, it will require you to actually do something to make it happen. Nothing really difficult mind you, but you will have to make choices every day as to how you want your holidays to go.
First and foremost, acknowledge your feelings. Maybe you have lost someone you love this year and you are facing the holidays without them or you can’t be with the ones you love this year. Realize that it is normal to feel sadness and grief. You can’t force yourself to be happy but don’t shut yourself off from the joy of the season either. Take part in as much as you can. Reach out and maybe volunteer. Volunteering is a great way to boost your spirits. Or maybe, you CAN be with your family and that is what is stressing you out. Remember to be realistic. Everything cannot be perfect and believe it or not there is most likely no family that has the most glorious, perfect, loving experience every time, if ever. Try to set aside differences. Maybe make a rule of no discussions on politics this season. Try to accept family members and friends as they are, even if they don’t live up to all your expectations. Chances are, they are feeling the same Holiday stress as you are.
Read on for more ways to alleviate stress during this time of year.

Set a budget and stick to it. You don’t want to start the new year in debt.

Plan ahead: try to get your shopping done early especially your grocery shopping. Having to scramble around for last-minute forgotten ingredients can create a lot of stress.

Try not to skimp on sleep. We always feel better when we get enough sleep and this time of year it is an absolute necessity. Those who do not sleep enough tend to be hungrier and consume more calories. With all the extra goodies lying around we don’t want to be satisfying our hunger with empty calories.

Don’t over schedule yourself and please don’t feel bad about saying NO. If you really don’t have the time to do something that you agree to do, you will only end up feeling resentful and angry.
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Make time for Exercise. During this time, we tend to put exercise on the back burner but this is when we need it most. Research has found that workouts can boost your mood for up to 12 hours and there are many studies out there that show a correlation between physical activity and mental health. Also, if people are bringing in their baked goods to work everyday, it’s a great way to work off those extra calories.

Try to Eat Healthy: Not always easy around the holidays. Remember you don’t have to fill up your plate at the holiday party. Just take a taste of things that look tasty to you. You don’t have to try everything and if you don’t like it, don’t eat it. Eat mindfully. Just because there is a plate of cookies in the conference room does not mean you have to have one. However, if you want one, have one. One. Practice portion control.

Drink plenty of water. Try not to use up all your calories on calorie/carb loaded drinks like Egg nog, a Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino or Latte, a Peppermint Mocha, Hot Buttered Rum, Hot Chocolate, Baileys and coffee etc. Each of these drinks have over 400 calories and many, many carbohydrates.

Maintain a positive attitude. An optimistic outlook will help you get though the challenges that come your way.

Most importantly, practice gratitude. Choose to look at the happy and joyous part of the season. When we focus on what we have and all our blessings, it is harder to focus on the bad things. Have a wonderful Holiday Season and God bless you all. ❤️