March Winds Can Effect Our Mood
t’s March and in NM that means that we are seeing a lot of wind. I don’t know about everyone else but the one weather condition that I really don’t care for is wind. I really don’t think that I am alone in this aversion to wind as I often notice that many people seem more cranky and out of sorts when the wind kicks up. 

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Well of course I had to investigate and guess what? Studies show that increased wind power is associated with a higher “negative affect” – meaning people were more likely to feel irritable, jittery, or distressed. There may even be a change in mood depending on which way the wind blows. Furthermore, apparently there is a common superstition amongst health professionals in emergency departments that pregnant women are more likely to go into labor when it’s windy.
(Actually for those of us who’s children arrived very late, this could be a really welcome thing.)

(Now cold wind is a whole other thing. Cold, windy weather can actually lead to more pain if you suffer from arthritis and also because of the increased pressure on the heart when the body is cold, cold windy weather can lead to a heart attack.) 

So this Spring, if you notice you begin to feel a bit cranky with the windy weather, go inside, do something nice for yourself and know that you are not alone. The wind will die down and we will welcome our beautiful days again soon.