On Goal Setting!
Posted by Total Body Wellness on January 4, 2021 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on On Goal Setting!
Happy New Year Everyone! We made it through 2020 and it’s on to a new year. Yay!
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My favorite thing about starting a new year is writing out my goals! I have always loved to write out my goals for the coming year during the holiday break!
I love the feeling of satisfaction I get when I am able to check off my goals as I reach them. I make two sets: One; I print out and read every morning and then check off with a pencil and the other one I keep on my computer and highlight the goals that I’ve reached.
When I look back at my goals for 2020, I think I did pretty good considering ALOT of things did not go as planned because of the Pandemic. I had to go in and re-adjust a few of them and tweak them a bit but that’s ok. Goals should change as we go through the year as nothing stays the same, even when we aren’t in a pandemic.
I’m not a big believer in resolutions for this very reason. You can change a goal. If you change a resolution, it just feels like you failed at one resolution and made another one. But that is just me.
I only separate my goals into three groups: personal, business and acting (business number two.) However, you can even break them down more and have separate goals for health, fitness, social, etc. Or get even more specific and break it down to 3-month, 6-month 9-month, etc. What ever works best and gives the most motivation.
I have found what keeps me on track and gives me the most motivation is to read my goals every morning. It reminds me of what I want to do and keeps them fresh in my mind. I just tuck them into my prayer book or gratitude journal and they become a part of my morning ritual.
Anyway, enough about me. Do you write out your goals? I would love to hear what you do and how you stay motivated.
Whatever you do, I wish you a wonderful year filled with blessings and joy and especially health! May God bless you all.