Practicing Gratitude Can Be Good For Your Health!

Posted by on August 22, 2018 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Practicing Gratitude Can Be Good For Your Health!

Did you know that practicing gratitude can be good for your health? It’s true and there is plenty of research to prove it. There is one study from Northeastern University that found that people who felt grateful for little, everyday things were more patient and better able to make sensible decisions. The March 5, 2018 edition of Greater Good Magazine states that “after 15 years of research, we know that gratitude is a key to psychological well-being. Gratitude can make people happier, improve their relationships, and potentially even counteract depression and suicidal thoughts.” There are also many studies associated with benefits from improved sleep to better cardiovascular heath, from better will power to increased energy levels. Not to mention what being grateful can do for your attitude. With all these wonderful benefits, it seems like practicing gratitude is a no-brainer.

I have a gratitude journal and every morning I write down 10 things I am grateful for and if anything, it makes me actually sit down and take stock of what I have. What do you do to practice gratitude.

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