Show Yourself Some ❤ Day 25 – Show Up and Be Present!

Posted by on February 25, 2021 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Show Yourself Some ❤ Day 25 – Show Up and Be Present!

Have you ever gotten to Friday and you can’t even remember what you did that week? Have you ever driven somewhere and when you arrive you can’t remember driving there at all? Have you ever had a conversation with someone and you have no idea what they said after they are done? Have you ever stayed in your pajamas or the same clothes for days because “its a pandemic”? Have you ever gone on vacation and have a million wonderful pictures but you really can’t remember the experience because you were so busy taking pictures? Have you ever wished something would change in your community and you wish “somebody” would do something about it?

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I think at some point in our lives, this has happened to many of us. ?
We hear it on podcasts, we read about it in books, our yoga teacher and therapists encourage us to do it. Be Present they say. Easier said than done. So how DO we show up and be present in our lives? ?‍♂️
It may not happen right away, but here are a few tips to help us out a little. And even if we just manage to make a few of these a habit, we will see a difference.
Slow down. I will say one thing about this pandemic, I do think it has forced many of us to do just that. But it is still hard. So let’s keep working on it.
Pay attention and notice what is going on at a given moment and acknowledge it. Be aware of your surroundings.
Listen. When someone is speaking, try not to focus on your own response but truly listen to what someone is saying.
Celebrate life’s little triumphs. Give them the attention they deserve.
Put your phone down. How many things do we do at the same time we are talking or messaging or just scrolling?
Clear your calendar. Get rid of something on your calendar that does not bring you joy. For good! (Other than the necessities)
Get dressed for your day. You don’t have to dress up but in the world of zoom, we can actually go days wearing the same clothes and possibly not showering. Get up and get ready for yourself.
Take care of your body. Eat right and exercise regularly and you will see that you have so much more energy.
Take action on a cause you believe in instead of waiting for someone else to do it.
Enjoy yourself and others. Spend quality time alone with yourself or with your loved ones doing something fun.
Experience your life, show yourself some love, show up and be present. ❤