Show yourself some Love Day 22 and Discover Hope

Posted by on February 24, 2021 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Show yourself some Love Day 22 and Discover Hope

Discover Hope! ?

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Hope can not only make a tough present situation better but it can improve our lives.
By envisioning what we hope for, we can actually be moved to take the steps to make it happen.
Hope is often associated with faith, faith in a higher power, faith in someone or something and/or faith in yourself. Hope means different things to different people but the one thing that is universal is that having Hope can help you both physically and mentally in so many ways.
Hope can bring us peace and joy in the midst of turmoil and unrest.
Hope can give us courage and strength instead of fear.
Hope can give us endurance and patience when it would be easier to quit.
Hope can bring us confidence when we are filled with doubt.
Hope can keep us positive in a pandemic and other uncertain experiences.
Hope can help us to be less depressed and experience life.
Hope can reduce pain, improve circulation and respiration.
Hope can lower your blood pressure and improve your heart health!
Hope can reduce stress and anxiety.
Hope is beautiful and calming. ??
As we move through winter and into the spring, let’s try and have hope and love yourself! ?
Aguilar Larry, Regina Turner and 2 others
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