Show yourself some Love Day 26 With Laughter!!
Couldn’t we all use a little more laughter in our lives.
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Studies show that healthy children laugh as much as 400 times a day but adults tend to laugh about 15. Wow! We adults have some catching up to do!
Not only is enjoying a good laugh so much fun but it has so many great health benefits!
Laughter can boost the immune system, relax muscles, aid circulation, protect against heart disease, release tension, reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, improve mental health, increase blood flow, burns calories, releases endorphins (feel good neurotransmitters), work our abs, increase resilience, helps you release anger and pain, enhances your relationships, lightens your burdens, inspires hope and it’s FUN!
A great thing about laughter is that it is contagious. So when you laugh, not only are you improving your own health but also those around you who caught your giggle.
o show yourself some and put on a comedy, watch some silly YouTube videos, talk to a friend or family member. Whatever it may be just go out and laugh!!