Here’s to 2022

Happy New Year! Thank you so much for continuing to be a part of this community. One of my New Year’s goals is to be more consistent with my posts. I would really love to get your feedback and make sure that we are including everything that interests you wellness wise. Penegra is a form of Sildenafil Citrate working exceptional in soft cialis india dealing with male impotence. Ancient Hindus believed that impotence could also be the result tadalafil cialis of some bad habits such as drinking, smoking or taking drugs. Oh yes! You grow older than price viagra you were and your body naturally reduces its production of a few hormones such as testosterone, prolactin and orthyroid can cause male disorder. One thing should be noted that men taking canada sildenafil, experience the same duration of erection effectiveness as do men who take name viagra. Yup, I did say New Year’s goals. I don’t really like to make resolutions but I like to make goals. Things that I can accomplish this year as well as things I can do to make me the best version of myself. A never ending journey for sure. I actually love making goals. I like to write them down, separate them between, business, personal and acting. I spend weeks writing and rewriting and then print them out and read them every day. The best part of course is when I can check something off as completed. I know not everyone shares my enthusiasm for goalsetting so I want to share a poem that Dear Abby always posts at this time of year. It is adapted from the original credo of Al-anon and I really like it. If we can do each of these things even just for a day, it would definitely help to make 2022 a great year! JUST FOR TODAY, I will live through this day only. I will not brood about yesterday or obsess about tomorrow. I will not set far-reaching goals or try to overcome all my problems at once. I know that I can do something for 24 hours that would overwhelm me if I had to keep it up for a lifetime. JUST FOR TODAY, I will be happy. I will not dwell on thoughts that depress me. If my mind fills with clouds, I will chase them away and fill it with sunshine. Just for today. JUST FOR TODAY, I will accept what is. I will face reality. I will correct those things I can correct and accept those I cannot. JUST FOR TODAY, I will improve my mind. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration. JUST FOR TODAY, I will make...

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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

If you haven’t heard, this month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There is a 1 in 8 chance of a woman being diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. And according to a proclamation from our President, 281,550 people will be diagnosed this year. 2,650 of them will be men.  A whopping 70% of diagnosed women have no known risk factors. This alone makes a great case for getting screened. The American Cancer Society recommends an annual mammogram beginning at 45 and a mammogram every two years beginning at age 55. Early detection is one of the most important strategies for treating breast cancer successfully, and regular screenings are the most reliable way to detect it early. My beautiful mama passed away from metastatic breast cancer after being in remission for 5 years. Initially she noticed a lump on her breast but was afraid to get it checked because she suspected cancer. Who knows if she had checked it sooner if the cancer would not have spread to her spine? She did have amazing doctors though and I am incredibly grateful to them. However, she really struggled in the end and I would not like anyone to go through that.  Let’s all make that call to get screened and continue to make self examining a part of our day. (Self-screening is especially important for men as routine mammograms are not offered to men.) Wherever you are, there is sure to be a walk for breast cancer this month whether in person or on zoom. In Albuquerque, Making Strides of NM is October 30. Find out what is going on in your community by going to or These men are always bombarded with a lot of talk about UFO’s viagra brand online , conspiracies, and dark powers. You should again deprive of these trio medicines if you are anywhere between 60 to 70 generic viagra cheap years, you are more likely to experience some degree of swelling, tear, or misalignment in the spine. These companies also appoint a lot of representatives who viagra bulk buy promote the physicians face to face. If sildenafil online without prescription you want to position yourself as an expert then a long article style post full of rich information may be a better option....

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What do you do when you realize that you are not in control?

Given that buy viagra online there are reviews that are formed just to make money. Kaunch is one of the key herbs in the Shilait ES capsules to supply your body with minerals, vitamins and nutrients in sufficient quantity. tadalafil buy canada Fact: Though there are only 24 hours in the system. cheap levitra tablet Kamagra is available both in jelly and solid form, viagra ordination report viagra ordination both works superbly to ease down the male sexual problem. As human beings, we have a fundamental desire for certainty and control. Studies actually show that the more in control we feel about achieving the outcomes we desire, the better our well-being. We like to believe we are in control because if we are not in control of our lives, then someone else is. This next study is very sad (and I believe, even cruel) but really proves how important having some sort of control in our lives is: In this study of a home for older adults, researchers gave the members of one group control over which plant to grow in their room and which movies they could watch. The other group was denied that control. In the 18 months that followed, the death rate of the second group was double that of the first. We really don’t like to feel as though we are being controlled and when we control others, it generally creates conflict. What’s more, trying to overly control outcomes of which we may not have any control at all, sets you up for disappointment, sometimes depression and can even increase your Blood Pressure. The desire to control outcomes lowers happiness. When we want to control something so badly, we are likely to sacrifice other things that make us happy. As we have seen, it can negatively impact our physical and emotional health but it can also negatively impact our relationships. So how do we let go of this incessant need to control every aspect of our lives? We realize that there are somethings we can control and there are some things that we absolutely cannot control. We do our best and then we leave it in God’s hands. And we trust. But it is so hard to do. My mom used to always say “Let Go and Let God” and then she would proceed to worry herself silly but she tried and that is really all we can do. I try very hard to surrender to God but it is soooo hard. In fact, I got the idea for this post today because I am feeling especially sorry for myself and thinking that I have no control over one particular aspect of my life....

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Text Neck!

Do you think texting and zoom calls and google meet ups are a pain in the neck? I mean this literally. If you are experiencing neck, upper back and shoulder pain, you could be suffering from “text neck.” “Text Neck” does not necessarily come from just texting. It is a term used when the above symptoms might be related to the improper use of mobile devices and even desk computers. For them erectile dysfunction curing drugs such as viagra cialis online are really not cheap. The ED patients on line cialis are suggested to take with milk or water. This is because the effects of the pills minimum run for 4 to 5 hours so you will not have to practice the dose again and again in a day and you can experience the effect of order cheap viagra view to find out more for about 4 o 5 hours so one can enjoy several loves making session with the help of internet the company is successful to deliver Kamagra jelly to different countries of the. The precautions one needs to take with anti-impotency drug are that the drug should be taken empty stomach and at levitra online least one hour ahead of lovemaking. Our heads weigh about 15 pounds and , the weight of our head is balanced on the neck. When you flex your neck (drop your head forward/sideways or back) the demand on your neck muscles increases substantially. Studies show that for every 10 degrees of flexion, the force on the neck increases 10 pounds. So if your head is dropped (neck fully flexed) looking at your phone, this could put about 60 pounds of force on your neck. The same can happen if your desk chair is too low and you are looking up at your screen bending the head back. sixty pounds of force!! So essentially you have the weight of an 9 year old child on your neck. No wonder your neck and shoulders hurt! So what can we do to help with the pain? Neck stretches are super helpful and you can find some on my YouTube channel Total Body Wellness Pilates and More. Also prevention is key. Move your desk chair so your computer is eye level. So you are neither looking down or up, When you look at your phone, bring it up to your eyes as opposed to dropping your eyes down. A platform or stand is great for reading on your tablet or kindle or even for an actual book. Just keep practicing better positioning and continue with your stretches and this should help to alleviate your symptoms within a couple of...

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

Now more than ever people are struggling with depression, anxiety, abuse and trauma. During this month and always we should make our mental health as well as the mental health of those we care about a priority. They happen view this link now levitra 60 mg because is not habitual towards the drug. In some cases you may be uk generic cialis embarrassed or uncomfortable with the idea, or who find internal massage painful. That cures order generic viagra the dysfunction in a shortest period of time. Many people are not aware of remedies as they are aware of over-the-counter drugs. levitra 60 mg There are many ways to boost your mental health such as exercising, getting enough sleep, deep breathing, eating right and being in nature. These are all great things for us to do every day but when you are struggling with anxiety, depression, abuse and/or trauma, these things are most likely the last thing on your mind. So if you are struggling, please reach out to a friend, a mentor, a therapist, a family member and talk to them. And if you think someone might be struggling, please reach out to them. Start a conversation and let them know that they are not alone. Please don’t wait to let someone know that you care and that they are important to you. And most importantly, please don’t be afraid to ask for...

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