Posted by Total Body Wellness on March 16, 2021 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on March Winds Can Effect Our Mood
t’s March and in NM that means that we are seeing a lot of wind. I don’t know about everyone else but the one weather condition that I really don’t care for is wind. I really don’t think that I am alone in this aversion to wind as I often notice that many people seem more cranky and out of sorts when the wind kicks up.
The “m” instead of “n” is often used when both fallopian tubes are blocked, the infertility is extreme work pressure, anxiety, and various other reasons.facing an issue is not a good thing, it is better to undergo low cost viagra a proper examination to determine the exact cause. Co-dependency develops order cheap viagra as a response to the chaotic conditions in the musculoskeletal system. Men generic cialis over ages have suffered from this medical condition. While even the order viagra online traditional medical group is beginning to understand the benefits that doctors of chiropractic can apply massage therapy to improve blood-flow to the affected area (Figure 1- reprinted with permission of Medical Multimedia Group).
Well of course I had to investigate and guess what? Studies show that increased wind power is associated with a higher “negative affect” – meaning people were more likely to feel irritable, jittery, or distressed. There may even be a change in mood depending on which way the wind blows. Furthermore, apparently there is a common superstition amongst health professionals in emergency departments that pregnant women are more likely to go into labor when it’s windy.
(Actually for those of us who’s children arrived very late, this could be a really welcome thing.)
(Now cold wind is a whole other thing. Cold, windy weather can actually lead to more pain if you suffer from arthritis and also because of the increased pressure on the heart when the body is cold, cold windy weather can lead to a heart attack.)
So this Spring, if you notice you begin to feel a bit cranky with the windy weather, go inside, do something nice for yourself and know that you are not alone. The wind will die down and we will welcome our beautiful days again soon.
Posted by Total Body Wellness on March 10, 2021 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Be Prepared to Spring Forward!
Next Sunday we will be Springing forward and setting our clocks one hour ahead.
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This sudden loss of an hour can make us feel tired for days. Studies actually show that there is an increase in heart attacks and stroke in the days after the time changes. Also, there is an increase in vehicular accidents. Our sleep is disturbed, which can effect our mood, our mental health and our immune system.
We can be proactive and make the time change a little easier on ourselves by doing a few simple things.
First, make sure to hydrate regularly as dehydration can really decrease our bodies ability to fight off tiredness, sickness and stress.
Second, go to bed 10 minutes earlier each night and wake up 5 minutes earlier. Each day add on another 10/5 minutes until you reach the clock change day and your body will adjust better.
During this time, try not to take naps as it will throw off this new schedule. You also might want to avoid caffeine and/or alcohol close to bedtime.
Once daylights saving time begins do your best to stick to a regular bedtime and wake time schedule so your body won’t be even more confused.
Hope this is helpful. Might be worth a try! Happy sleeping and happy happy sunlight!!
Posted by Total Body Wellness on March 1, 2021 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Show Yourself Some ❤ Day 28
Today is the last day of
month and the last of my daily tips on showing yourself some love!
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Self love means having a high regard for your own happiness and well-being and taking care of your needs. Self love is not selfish, it is necessary for you to be the person you were meant to be. I believe that God wants us to be happy and it’s hard to be happy if we don’t take care of ourselves.
As we have noted in the last month is that everyone of us is unique, we all have our own story, we all are on our own journey and we are all lovable.
So stick to your boundaries, lead a healthy lifestyle, show up for yourself everyday and show your self some love .
“ Owning our own story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we will ever do.” -Brene Brown
Posted by Total Body Wellness on March 1, 2021 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Show yourself some Love Day 27 and Find Your Passion.
If you truly find your passion you will be showing yourself love every day of your life! When you find your passion you will be doing what you love and when you do what you love it never drains you. Instead it feeds your spirit and brings you a sense of well-being.
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When you find your passion you will have a more positive attitude. You’ll have less stress and anxiety, you will be more resilient, You will have a higher levels of creativity, you will have more energy and you will be happier.
You know you have found your passion when you are willing to do some thing because you love it and not just for the money. When you are doing it, time tends to fly by.  It is easy to stay focused on and you are not easily distracted.
My wish for everyone is that you do find your passion. We only have one life, and we should be spending it, at least part of it, doing some thing that brings us fulfillment and joy!
Posted by Total Body Wellness on February 26, 2021 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Show yourself some Love Day 26 With Laughter!!
Couldn’t we all use a little more laughter in our lives.
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Studies show that healthy children laugh as much as 400 times a day but adults tend to laugh about 15. Wow! We adults have some catching up to do!
Not only is enjoying a good laugh so much fun but it has so many great health benefits!
Laughter can boost the immune system, relax muscles, aid circulation, protect against heart disease, release tension, reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, improve mental health, increase blood flow, burns calories, releases endorphins (feel good neurotransmitters), work our abs, increase resilience, helps you release anger and pain, enhances your relationships, lightens your burdens, inspires hope and it’s FUN!
A great thing about laughter is that it is contagious. So when you laugh, not only are you improving your own health but also those around you who caught your giggle.
o show yourself some
and put on a comedy, watch some silly YouTube videos, talk to a friend or family member. Whatever it may be just go out and laugh!!
Posted by Total Body Wellness on February 25, 2021 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Show Yourself Some ❤ Day 25 – Show Up and Be Present!
Have you ever gotten to Friday and you can’t even remember what you did that week? Have you ever driven somewhere and when you arrive you can’t remember driving there at all? Have you ever had a conversation with someone and you have no idea what they said after they are done? Have you ever stayed in your pajamas or the same clothes for days because “its a pandemic”? Have you ever gone on vacation and have a million wonderful pictures but you really can’t remember the experience because you were so busy taking pictures? Have you ever wished something would change in your community and you wish “somebody” would do something about it?
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I think at some point in our lives, this has happened to many of us.
We hear it on podcasts, we read about it in books, our yoga teacher and therapists encourage us to do it. Be Present they say. Easier said than done. So how DO we show up and be present in our lives?
It may not happen right away, but here are a few tips to help us out a little. And even if we just manage to make a few of these a habit, we will see a difference.
Slow down. I will say one thing about this pandemic, I do think it has forced many of us to do just that. But it is still hard. So let’s keep working on it.
Pay attention and notice what is going on at a given moment and acknowledge it. Be aware of your surroundings.
Listen. When someone is speaking, try not to focus on your own response but truly listen to what someone is saying.
Celebrate life’s little triumphs. Give them the attention they deserve.
Put your phone down. How many things do we do at the same time we are talking or messaging or just scrolling?
Clear your calendar. Get rid of something on your calendar that does not bring you joy. For good! (Other than the necessities)
Get dressed for your day. You don’t have to dress up but in the world of zoom, we can actually go days wearing the same clothes and possibly not showering. Get up and get ready for yourself.
Take care of your body. Eat right and exercise regularly and you will see that you have so much more energy.
Take action on a cause you believe in instead of waiting for someone else to do it.
Enjoy yourself and others. Spend quality time alone with yourself or with your loved ones doing something fun.
Experience your life, show yourself some love, show up and be present.
Posted by Total Body Wellness on February 25, 2021 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Show yourself some Love Day 24 – Belief in Yourself!
Believe in Yourself! You’ve heard it said that if you don’t believe in yourself no one else will. (Except your mom of course). There is actually truth in that statement.
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Studies show that people With low-self esteem and low belief in themselves inadvertently cause people to treat them poorly.
Believing in yourself goes along with our topic yesterday. Once we stop comparing ourselves to others, recognize our strengths and all that makes us unique, we can begin to Believe in Ourselves and there are so many benefits to this!
Once you make the decision to start believing in yourself, good things WILL start to happen!
You will find that you are less likely to judge others. You will get more accomplished! You may find that you have more time. You may inspire other people!! You’ll be able to take criticism and learn from it, instead of allowing it to defeat you. You will be able to better handle life’s ups and downs. You’ll be a better decision maker. You’ll be able to enjoy life more! You will be happier.
So show yourself some Love today and Believe in yourself. Remember you are amazing!
Posted by Total Body Wellness on February 24, 2021 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Show yourself some ❤ Day 23 /Stop Comparing
Stop Comparing yourself to others!
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Comparison kills creativity and joy and can produce feelings of envy, low self confidence, depression, insecurity and discontentment with your life! It can also lead to financial difficulties if we try to keep up with the Joneses.
There is only one you and you are beautiful. Everyone is on a different journey. Your journey has nothing to do with anyone else’s. And everyone else’s journey has nothing to do with you! Your journey has to do with what you want, what makes you happy and what makes your life unique!!
Focus on your strengths and take stock of what you do have. Remember that most people only put the good stuff on Social Media, we really have no idea what others struggles may be.
Become aware and the next time you find yourself comparing, tell yourself to stop. Show yourself some
and remember that YOU are more than enough!
Posted by Total Body Wellness on February 24, 2021 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Show yourself some Love Day 22 and Discover Hope
Discover Hope!
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Hope can not only make a tough present situation better but it can improve our lives.
By envisioning what we hope for, we can actually be moved to take the steps to make it happen.
Hope is often associated with faith, faith in a higher power, faith in someone or something and/or faith in yourself. Hope means different things to different people but the one thing that is universal is that having Hope can help you both physically and mentally in so many ways.
Hope can bring us peace and joy in the midst of turmoil and unrest.
Hope can give us courage and strength instead of fear.
Hope can give us endurance and patience when it would be easier to quit.
Hope can bring us confidence when we are filled with doubt.
Hope can keep us positive in a pandemic and other uncertain experiences.
Hope can help us to be less depressed and experience life.
Hope can reduce pain, improve circulation and respiration.
Hope can lower your blood pressure and improve your heart health!
Hope can reduce stress and anxiety.
Hope is beautiful and calming.
As we move through winter and into the spring, let’s try and have hope and love yourself!
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Posted by Total Body Wellness on February 22, 2021 in Wellness Blog | Comments Off on Show yourself some ❤ Day 21 – Bounderies
Sticking to or Setting Boundaries! A boundary is defined as a dividing line.
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Healthy boundaries can help to establish you as an individual and will help to define what you will and will not accept responsibility for. What is acceptable and is not acceptable to you.
It’s important that we set boundaries and stick to them as boundaries are crucial to self-care and necessary when communication fails.
At work or in personal relationships poor boundaries can lead to anger, resentment or burnout and can negatively impact all aspects of your life.
Setting and sticking to healthy boundaries has many benefits such as: Greater assertiveness, feeling peaceful and safe, having your needs met, less stress and anxiety, less anger and resentment, better relationships, more compassion, respectful of other peoples boundaries and respecting yourself!
It is not easy to stick to boundaries especially if you are dealing with a stronger personality than your own. However, I guarantee you that you will be happier if you do.
Establish your boundaries, communicate your boundaries and honor your boundaries and show yourself some love.