Something to Think About

I wonder when we all became so dependant on Western medicine?  Don’t get me wrong, there is definitely a place for Western medicine and many of us would not be here without it.  I guess I am talking more about relying on pharmaceuticals.  Seeing a commercial for something that addresses our issue and only looking at how it can help us and not at how it can harm us.  Pharmaceuticals are the 4th Leading Cause of Death in America!  This is appaling! Yet so many people continue to depend on these dangerous drugs even though there are alternatives.  The problem often is that alternative therapies and/or supplementation is not covered by insurance and often the cost has to come out of pocket. super cialis cheap All of these medicines start working within a few minutes of its consumption. A constantly buy cialis online low sex drive might even signal a chronic or latent illness, so it needs to be looked into immediately. Penile sildenafil online canada injection therapy is yet another treatment method that is used for treating impotence. soft cialis pills The Canadian Centre Substance Abuse (CCSA) defines workplace substance misuse as “the use of a probably impairing substance to the point that it adversely affects performance or safety at work.” Worker alcohol and drug-related issues impacts on absence, poor work performance, and on-going health issues of the affected worker, industrial accidents, and important losses in productivity.  Also, I often hear,  “how do we know it will work?”  The answer is “we don’t, but why not try, it can’t hurt.” Alternative therapies very rarely work as quickly as drugs. Generally, drugs are meant to treat the symptom.  Alternative therapy is meant to treat the entire body with the focus on the issue.  I just want to ask one question?  If it can’t hurt you to try something that is out of the conventional scope of practice, why not try it?  What if it worked? Something to think...

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Happy Valentines Day to all of you!  

What a wonderful month. It is Healthy Heart month and a month to celebrate love. Love is definitley something we all need now more than ever.  Tragic things happening on our highways, in our schools, in our neighborhoods.  All you have to do is pick up the newspaper and you can read all about it.   Yes we really need a month to celebrate love.  If only we could always remember what love is… ” Love is patient, Love is kind.  It is not jealous, it does not boast, it is not proud.  Love does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never fails.”                        -Corinthians 13 4-7   And don’t forget that  heart disease is the cause of 1 in every 4 deaths in the United States.   Here are some “simple steps of prevention”?     Adjust your diet to include more heart healthy foods like whole grains, nuts, fish, fruits and vegetables to reduce your cholesterol. Eat smaller portions to help control your weight. Drink alcohol in moderation. Get active, both physically and socially. And, my favorite piece of diet advice…a glass of red wine or a square of dark chocolate can actually lower your risk of heart disease. This may be combined with other significant inconveniences identified with ineptitude like absence of viagra buy no prescription discharge. Any medication levitra online india that you decide to take, be it prescribed or not, must be recommended by a doctor, your medical history and background might be checked when ordering online. WORKING :Kamagra Polo can be taken in the event that its segment Sildenafil citrate causes hypersensitive responses in the cipla cialis italia why not look here body. Supplemax has partnered up with experienced doctors in this field cheapest price for sildenafil who will diagnose and prescribe the correct dosage of this drug to you. I wish you a month of health, happiness and...

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Being thankful in the wake of all the chaos!

Thanksgiving is upon us and it is a time for all of us to be grateful.  There is so much to be grateful for but sometimes it doesn’t feel so great to be counting our blessings when tragedies such as what happened in Paris are going on or when road rage results in more tragedy or when an officer, a good man dies  trying to do his job.  We have had a very tough few months.  This  is when we should truly count our blessings.  We should not let a day go by without counting our blessings and being thankful.  We should love our friends and family and let them know it.  Amazingly enough, it seems like these tragedies have brought It helps in fixing the key challenges associated with erection dysfunction. sildenafil generic uk ED can be caused by mental conditions such as stress, anxiety, and depression generico viagra on line can be just as devastating as physical problems like injury or bacterial or viral infections. Use of buy viagra no prescription Botox to relax muscles around the jaw. viagra best price This is why there is testosterone replacement therapy as a means of recovery. us closer together as humans.  How many community members have rallied around the families of Lilly and Officer Webster.  How many countries and citizens are rallying around Paris.  People are getting tired of the new normal.  It feels like we may be wanting to come together on issues and stop worrying about which side of the fence we are on.  Let us be Thankful that through all of this, we can stand up and stand together.  We can be Thankful that we  live in a country where we still have freedom. Thankful that we  have people who continue to volunteer to fight for our freedom.  We can be thankful that we have a choice of how we respond to the chaos.  We have a choice. Please God, let us choose...

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Angry? Stressed? Smile and Breathe.

Are you angry or are you just stressed? Lately it feels that many people are so angry. From the clerk at the store to the people driving on the road next to you. You read it in the papers everyday, people mad at some body for something that they didn’t like. We are a busy bunch of people. Our days are long and we have so much on our plates and sometimes all of this stress manifests itself as anger. Stress crumbles your body’s immune system and makes you look older than your age. It can bring about negative physical changes and it also stress affects your biochemical state with extra adrenal steroids in the blood stream. Frequent headaches, anxiety, frequent mood swings, sadness, anger, frustration and depression are some of the most common effects of stress. Stress and anger affect your overall health and may cause serious physical and mental health problems in long run. These diseases can lead to imminent death, at least some of them, if they are not generic cialis overnight properly diagnosed and tested early on. Regular intake of safed musli as per the correct dosage prices for cialis level improves insulin receptors and lowers blood glucose level. However, erectile dysfunction among masses shares no connection with age as it is being noticed among each age group except teenagers. cheap viagra The get viagra from india prevalence of autism is increasing at a very faster speed, with almost 1 in 68 children reported to be autistic. So what is a person to do? Take a breather. Literally, take a breath. When you feel yourself stressing out, notice it, acknowledge it, don’t judge it and take a long inhale followed by an even longer exhale. Do this two or three times until you begin to relax. (For those of you who just thought yeah right, I don’t have time to stop and breathe, you better make time to stop and breathe because if God allotted you only so many breaths, you better quit breathing so fast before you run out. Just a thought!) Another thing you can do, SMILE. Smiling can change your mood instantly and best of all it is contagious. I guarantee you that if you smile at someone, they will smile back. It is our natural response. And if the person you smiled at smiles, guess what? That person’s day just got a little brighter too! “Smile and Breathe” Make it your mantra and see what...

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How will we make 2015 different?

I don’t know about you, but I love New Year’s Day! I love the idea of a brand new year to try again. Wow, so many possibilities. It is also a bit scary, so many things can go right and so many things can go wrong. Things happen. It is inevitable. But either way, there is one question that we must ask ourselves at the beginning of the year and probably many times throughout the year. Next year, at this time, do I want to be in the same place I am now? If not, where do I want to be? To be there, what changes do I have to make? This is a hard question and often, it is a question that we don’t want to answer because the answer can be tough. It usually requires change. Giving up one thing to have another. Aging is another common reason of decrease in testosterone generic cialis 20mg levels. The metabolic syndrome is certainly a great clustering coming from all atherosclerotic heart problems threat components, one of just what buy tadalafil cialis includes the hormone insulin challenge characteristic at kind the diabetes. These natural amino viagra sale acids are the promoters of the nitric oxide. The latest medication is levitra in india price whose effects last for about 12 hours. It might require more time and more effort. Maybe even spending less time with some people that are not good for us and more time with others who are good for us, people who will help us achieve what we want. It is a hard question unless we are happy doing what we are doing. Then it’s not so bad and we are content. Are you living life the way you want to live it. I hope so. We are the only ones who can make sure that happens. Today is the first day of the rest of your life so let’s...

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One thing you could do today

What one thing could you do today that would make a positive impact on your life? I’m not talking instantly. I mean, what little thing could you do today that if you continued to do every single day, would make a impact in your life? Could you decide to do 10 push-ups every day? Pretty easy to do. Maybe they wouldn’t be pretty but you could probably muster 10 push-ups in one day or maybe you would rather start with 5. That would be ok. Again, pretty easy to do and pretty easy not to do. You could wake up today and say, “hey I have to knock out 5 push-ups” and when you finish with those push-ups you feel pretty good. Nicotine is an addictive ingredient in lowest price viagra cigarette. The good news is that it’s cialis online sales possible to be critical of that finding, since older women may not realize the same results as younger woman with androgenic alopecia. These injuries could be classified as injuries which effects of viagra are referred to as complete or incomplete. Kamagra as confirmed powerful medicine- Everyone wants to take effective and functional medicine to overcome certain kinds of short termed and not at generic professional viagra all complex mild effects such as Headache, Nasal Congestion, Fatigue and Nausea. However, you could easily climb out of bed and say, “what difference does it make if I do this or not, 5 push-ups are not going to make me stronger today.” And you would be right. Those 5 push-ups would absolutely not make you any stronger or any more buff today. However, if you do 5 push-ups everyday without fail, I can guarantee that in one months time, you will be stronger and you might be a little more buff and I’ll even dare to say that you may no longer be doing 5 push-ups but you will probably have increased the amount of push-ups you are doing everyday. So why not think about it? Could you finally finish that book if you read 5 or 10 pages a day? Could you increase your cardiovascular fitness if you walk for 10 minutes a day? Could you increase your business by making 3 contacts a day? The answer to all these questions is yes, you most definitely can do it but you must commit and you must be patient. Just give it some...

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