It’s been awhile since I last posted. I apologize in advance for the long post but if you stick around till the end you will see that there is a point. As I write this, I am finishing up quarantine for my second bout with Covid. After today, I can go out in to the world with a mask according to the CDC. Even so, most of my clients have decided that they would rather wait another week and in all actuality, I would probably make the same choice. As I considered myself to be very careful, I still caught it again. Even after receiving the booster in March. So I suppose we can’t be too careful. Because of this stupid Covid diagnoses, not only have I had to close shop for a week plus but I also had to remove myself from an acting job. Acting jobs are not easy to come by and so this was a huge disappointment to me. Also, I was very concerned about messing up things for the production which would be terrible. I will say one thing for getting Covid a second time, it has taught me a very valuable lesson. A lesson that apparently I must be taught over and over again. For those of you who know me, you know that when I set my sights on something I work very hard at it and I do everything (everything legal) in my power to make it happen. I worked very hard to build Total Body Wellness and then after 17 years in the North Valley of ABQ and during a pandemic, I worked hard to remodel and move my business to my home. And I do work everyday to keep my clients and contractors happy and my business to thrive. As I learned in my 20s and 30s, being an actor is very different from building a regular business, you can do all the things you need to do and still, an acting job is not promised. Coming back to this business, I am reminded of this but still, being who I am, I continue to think that if I just do everything right, take the right headshots, take the right classes, get the right agent, then everything will fall into place. I must admit, I have been very fortunate and have managed to get some good work. But again, being me, I want more. This brings me back to the wonderful lesson that Covid has taught me. I AM NOT IN CONTROL. I think I have mentioned before that my beautiful mom used to say, “Let go and let God.” and then she would continue to worry herself sick....
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